Monday, September 28, 2009

He brings me flowers

Months ago I caught the flu. I stayed home from work and slept for the better part of the day. My sweetie stopped by on his way home and brought me a carton of oj, a book, a thing of soup, and a dozen multicolored roses. I felt bad and looked worse, but he still kissed me on the forehead and didn't leave until I had laughed.
Fast forward to a few weeks ago. I had an absolutely rotten week at work. A huge project wasn't going well, and I was training a new employee (translate not getting my work done). To top it off my coworkers were being brats, and I really wanted to smack one (I didn't) and tell her to grow up. At the end of the week my fiance and I had to meet with the location coordinator to reserve the church. When he picked me up he brought me espresso dark chocolate and a dozen long stem red roses.
This Sunday we went to church with my friend Amy and then to the farmers market. While walking around I played with the edge of the petals of a stargazer lily. I then moved on and started looking at veggies in the next booth. After a bit my fiance walked up and handed me the bouquet I had been looking at.
He laughs at how easily delighted I am by a simple bouquet. I just smile and smell the pretty flowers.

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