Saturday, September 12, 2009

Lots of sparles

Lauren, Abby, Mel, Jess and Amy are all currently engaged. They got engaged in that order. Including myself that is six weddings next year. Lauren's is currently in competition with Abby's for most elaborate. Lauren is Texan (and her mom fills the stereotype) and so far has the largest guest list. Abby is engaged to my fiance's roommate and he's not too big on extravagant which is why my money is on Lauren. Mel wants a very simple out door wedding. Jess wants that as well, but in Mexico.
Amy will have two ceremonies. The first will be a civil ceremony once the fiance visa (he is Canadian) is processed. Turns out you only have 90 days once its processed to get hitched. Tricky part is that there is no way to know how long the process will take (she's hoping for less than six months). So they plan to head down to the court house once they are legally able to and then do a separate wedding later.
Its kinda funny to compare notes with them and see what they are planning. See who thinks what is normal that others think is over the top. Its also funny to see what our fiances care about. Mine is till trying to get an R2D2 cake that is remote controlled and rolls around the reception. I think I'm still winning the odd request contest. The idea is cute but I keep picturing all of our guests with frosting on their legs. That and I picture the groom and my nephews arguing over who's turn it is. To get his mind off of it a friend suggested we get the bat mobile as a get away car. Oh, and she found a guy who rents one here in Seattle. Guess what my fiance now wants?
He makes me laugh, and as school is fast approaching I'm more and more grateful for it. I've actually gotten to spend quality time with my fiance over the last couple weeks. I envy the other brides in that. Once school starts I go back to only getting to see my sweetie on nights I don't have class, a study group, or overtime at work. I've been spoiled in getting to see him almost every night of the week for the past couple weeks. Being away from him stinks, and I'm looking forward to the day that I get to go home to him.

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