Saturday, October 13, 2007

Semi-charmed kind of life

Today it was absolutely beautiful outside. I was supposed to get up at the crack of dawn to go get a Washington state license, but I slept through my alarm. By the time I woke up I knew that there was bound to be a long line, and that it was too beautiful a day to waste at the DMV. So instead I called up the one gal pal I have here and made plans to enjoy the day.
Before I met up with her I stopped by the downtown library. On my way there I drove down this street that has what should have been a fantastic view of the Sound. Instead I got to see lots of trees with gorgeous colors, and a wall of fog. It was absolutely beautiful and really weird. The trees were gold and rust and red. What was weird was that the fog seemed to be unable to pass this magical barrier as it seemed to stop the second it hit shore.
After the library I drove to my favorite part of town- Ballard. I parked my car at my friend’s house and we proceeded to walk around downtown Ballard. We went to a couple thrift stores and a couple consignment stores. I was looking for inspiration for a Halloween costume, she was looking for a new table. It seemed like everyone was out enjoying the rare bit of perfect weather. The sun was shining, the sky was this great shade of blue, the leaves on all the trees were turning, and the air had just a slight chill to it. I had a blast just walking around and people watching.
The best part of the day was when I was driving home across one of the bridges. I could see Mt Rainier in the distance and the sun sparkling off of the Sound. It was so beautiful all I could think was “wow, I get to live here.” Clearly my love affair with this city is still in the honeymoon phase. As happy as I am I think I’m just going to go with it.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Mexican Thanksgiving is one week away...