Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Goo Goo G'joob

If you have never been to soap box races you are really missing out. This Saturday Red Bull sponsored races in the Fremont district. There was everything from the rolling bridge troll to a ferry pulling the space needle. My favorite was the A-team mostly due to the fact that they had a white Mr. T. Among the others were a giant toilet bowl with a movable seat, and a giant sushi roll. We had a lot of fun in spite of the off and on rain, even though there weren't that many crashes (my favorite part).
After the races I got to see the first part of the Battlestar Galactica mini series. It was awesome. There is this one character that may or may not be a hallucination. Either way she is completely insane and absolutely convinced that this egomaniac will/does love her. He is the only one that can see her and it gets pretty entertaining. Especially when she decides to get frisky and someone walks in on him. Outside of that the story is great and the special effects are impressive.
On Sunday I went with a friend to this great local place called The Dish Cafe. There isn't a lot to the menu, but everyone I met agrees there is nothing bad on it. The fabulous garden omelet came with a scone that was wonderful. We sat and talked for a bit and it was fun to feel like a local. Once we were done stuffing ourselves we went to see Across the Universe. Very trippy movie. At one point the main characters dropped acid to a Beattle's song "I am the Walrus" (the title of this blog is from a line in it).
All in all it was a fun weekend, even with the stereotypical Seattle weather finally deciding to show up.

1 comment:

Cay said...

Sounds like you are having the time of your life up there! Yay! Can't wait to see you!