Monday, July 12, 2010

My poor parents

I've spent the last two evenings watching my newest guilty pleasure. It is the tv show I loved in high school. My husband is thoroughly entertained by how much I love this terrible show. He is also slightly offended.
He absolutely loves what he calls "awesome" movies. Movies like Big Trouble in Little China and Hudson Hawk. He likes to torture me with them. At least I call it torture. He calls it introducing me to "amazingly awesome" films.
This is why he is upset. He claims my newest entertainment is on par with these horrendous films. I just laugh at him and tell him he is wrong. My awesome show is worth watching and his movies are not. He retaliated by tickling me. Which is totally unfair since he isn't ticklish.
However, that isn't my point. My point is my poor parents willingly put up with this show the entire four years it was on. I even remember my mom recording it for me, which means they had to endure it twice. I must have been loved because honestly, this show is terrible.
I still love it.

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