Friday, November 27, 2009

Gobble gobble

Thanksgiving was fun this year. I made cupcakes that looked like little turkeys. It took hours to assemble everything but it was fun. I also made stuffing, yams, baked brie and a twist on a biscuit recipe. It started off as the Red Lobster recipe. This year I mixed fresh crab meat into the dough along with the cheddar cheese. I then sauteed shrimp in garlic butter. Next I wrapped the shrimp in the crab and cheese biscuit dough. The results were fantastic.
I listened to Christmas music most of the day as I cooked. I managed to down load "Pretty Little Dolly" and a couple of others that have become favorites over the years. Still haven't managed to find this one group my parents always played around Christmas. While its still a little early for carols the songs made it feel cozy in the kitchen as I worked.
We joined some friends for the dinner itself. They baked a 24lbs turkey for about 9 people. It was good but the amount of leftovers were insane. It was nice to take a day and chill and not do homework. I have one final next week, another the week after that, and a presentation the following Wednesday. After that I have a couple weeks of wedding planning and just getting to enjoy my fiance's company.
Can't wait.

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