Friday, November 27, 2009

Gobble gobble

Thanksgiving was fun this year. I made cupcakes that looked like little turkeys. It took hours to assemble everything but it was fun. I also made stuffing, yams, baked brie and a twist on a biscuit recipe. It started off as the Red Lobster recipe. This year I mixed fresh crab meat into the dough along with the cheddar cheese. I then sauteed shrimp in garlic butter. Next I wrapped the shrimp in the crab and cheese biscuit dough. The results were fantastic.
I listened to Christmas music most of the day as I cooked. I managed to down load "Pretty Little Dolly" and a couple of others that have become favorites over the years. Still haven't managed to find this one group my parents always played around Christmas. While its still a little early for carols the songs made it feel cozy in the kitchen as I worked.
We joined some friends for the dinner itself. They baked a 24lbs turkey for about 9 people. It was good but the amount of leftovers were insane. It was nice to take a day and chill and not do homework. I have one final next week, another the week after that, and a presentation the following Wednesday. After that I have a couple weeks of wedding planning and just getting to enjoy my fiance's company.
Can't wait.

Monday, November 9, 2009

22 Weeks To Go

I get married in 22 weeks. This is exciting and surreal at the same time. I have some stuff done. Dress, photographer, location. I still need to complete the music list, pick a song to walk down the isle to, meet with caterer, cake test, get list of formal photos wanted to photographer, pick decorations, pick card stock... The list just seems to be getting longer.
We have done some fun stuff. We began our registry this weekend. Spent 3 hrs or so looking at china patterns. Still haven't picked a formal one. I did get to register for a bunch of cooking stuff I've been drooling over for ages. That part was fun. Kept holding up stuff to my fiance and saying "I want this". He'd smile and point the scanner at it and not really ask what it was. I keep teasing him that I'm only marrying him to get new kitchen stuff. As long as it means he gets to eat yummy food he doesn't seem to care.
He only really wanted a couple things. Like root beer mugs. He registered for a box of four, then decided when we left the store we needed more. His argument is that we need to have back ups so that the root beer mugs are always frosty. I don't see this as something to worry about, and so far more of them haven't magically appeared on the registry.
Most of the time I keep wondering how I'm going to get stuff done next quarter. I don't really have a choice. I have to find a way to do more wedding stuff during school. Winter quarter ends two weeks before my wedding, and I'm not going to be able to cram it all in then. Fortunately my sweetie is helpful so we'll figure it out.
If I schedule things right I may even be able to get sleep next quarter.