Sunday, December 2, 2007

CA girl at heart

It is beautiful here. Washington is aptly named the evergreen state, and the number of views here are countless. At least this is what I tried to remind myself when my jeep got covered in snow yesterday. The snow is gone now. Today was slightly warmer, and it rained as well, so it cleared it out. However, I know its going to come back. It’s barely December and we have the whole of winter to get through.

I wasn't really caught off guard by the snow. Not only did I know that it snowed here before I moved, it snowed the weekend I visited Seattle a year ago. That was when, in spite of the snow and frigid temperatures, I fell in love with this place. However, as a California native a part of me still believes that snow is something you are supposed to visit, not live in.

I still love it here, but I'm thinking this may be the end of the honeymoon period.


Unknown said...

First entry in four that didn't reference Eric. He must be slipping. ;-)

Cay said...

Honeymoon period over just because of a little snow??? You need to get out there and make a snowman. Okay, a mini snowman. It will change your view! But remember to wear gloves. It's very important to wear gloves. Otherwise the love will disappear alltogether. ;)

Jason said...

What's snow?