Friday, August 31, 2007

I was born under a wandering star...

One of my all time favorite movie quotes is "howdy parson, welcome to hell." Out of context the line isn't funny, but the scene always has me in stiches. It’s from the musical Paint Your Wagon in which Clint Eastwood sings. The most surprising thing isn't that he is in a musical; it's that he can actually sing well. Who knew?

While I'm not sure what I expected in this move, I'm happily surprised to find how easily I am slipping into this new life. I've been going on interviews and I may actually have a job next week. It is a bit up in the air but it looks good. I am making friends, or at least meeting people. My roommate so far seems pretty cool and has even invited me to a party on Sunday to introduce me to people. I've found a great bbq place just down the road, and I've managed to find my way home without help on a regular basis.

The best surprise in this move has been how beautiful it is here. I can't seem to get over it. I don't have a view from my apartment, but I have a gorgeous one every time I leave my place. There are two roads down the hill that I can take to get anywhere, and both offer views of Puget Sound that are absolutely beautiful. The last few days have been sunny and clear so I got to see Mt. Rainier at its best. I even got to see Green Lake at night with a full moon shining on it. I don't know when the newness of this move will wear off, but for now I'm enjoying being continually surprised by the natural beauty of this place.

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