Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Leaving Friday

After what feels like forever I am finally moving this Friday. Most of my belongings are packed up, but it feels like I'm just moving to yet another apartment somewhere in town. Except that I've been slowly saying good-bye to all my friends. Normally I don't see my friends around move dates as they are trying to avoid the ever present request for moving help that all twenty-somethings face. Its a bit odd to actually have friends call me up to make plans while I'm surrounded by full cardboard boxes. A part of me keeps thinking, "what's the big deal, I'll see you next week?" Except that I won't. Next week I'll be living in the rain soaked northwest, far from the incredible people I have met here. So between packing up my bakeware and looking for a job I'm going to dinner and drinks and saying good-bye. This may or may not turn out to be the best decision I've made, but either way I leave Friday.
My favorite thing is to go where I've never been. -Diane Arbus

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Washington ( =
Your story sounds a bit familiar to mine! I moved here from Alabama!
I agree... WA is beautiful, w/ so many beautiful views!