I am about halfway through my second quarter of grad school. To my surprise I'm doing better in my Business Calc class than I am in the other class I'm in. Turns out with the right prof math is understandable, and I'm doing really well. On the flip side I have discovered I have an adverse reaction to touchy-feelly classes. I never really thought much of self-help books, and I'm now up to my eyeballs in debt to take a class involving one. Ug.
On the bright side I'm meeting people. There is one guy in my math class that works for my company. He helped me pull a prank on a coworker and is easy to work with in class. I also am starting to bond with people in the icky class. One girl has invited me to a girls night she's having, and to attend church with her and her boyfriend. She is a complete doll and I really hope this develops into a friendship. I also ran into a guy from that class while out with my boyfriend. It was fun to be the person that did the introductions.
All in all school is good. I'm signing up for next quarter's classes next week. When going through the listing I found out that there is a chance for me to go to Italy to study next summer. It's only two weeks, and is another touchy feelly class, but it's in the Italian Dolomite's. I'm going to look more into the course, and see if there are other class options, before talking to my boss. Taking two weeks off during peek price change season is going to take negotiating. Have to say life can't be too rough when one of the big decisions involves which class to take in which beautiful country.
My boyfriend switched jobs recently, and not entirely by choice. He's not thrilled with his current job, but it pays the bills. It also pays for school, which he's considering go back to at night. Right now he is considering if he wants to look for a position he actually likes, or if he wants to stay and get a BA. He's leaning towards going back, but I think it will be a while yet.
More importantly we've been having more serious conversations about the long term. Expectations and norms come up a lot, which is good. As much as I don't like the self-help section I'm thinking of getting a book on premarital stuff. We're not yet at the point where he's ring shopping, though he has wanted that for about a year now. The way I'm looking at it asking questions is the only way to make up my mind either way, and we both need me to.
Today we went for a walk and passed through the farmers market in Ballard. I pointed out all of the cute dogs, and corrected him when he pointed out one that wasn't. We also had went to a new restaurant called SeƱor Moose Cafe. I can't begin to describe how happy I was to find good salsa in Seattle. Even better its within walking distance of home. YAY! It amused my boyfriend how happy that made me. The poor boy grew up eating only okay Mexican food so I have to overlook this. Fortunately I'm here to help correct this misfortune. Now if I could just find good sashimi I'd be set.
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