Monday, September 17, 2007

Same song, different verse

We had our weekly purchasing meeting today. I shouldn't have been surprised by it, my boss announced last week that we would be having them on a weekly basis. The problem is that my last boss claimed the same thing and never followed through. So this morning when my coworkers started heading towards the conference room I was a bit surprised. Sitting at the table though things began to seem more and more familiar. My boss began talking about the downturn in the market and that we should be pulling stock from our warehouses rather than buying from vendors. We have to do so without putting our warehouse's saftey stock in jepardy, or risking loosing customer orders. I had to bite the inside of my cheeks to keep from laughing. I can't begin to count the number of times I've gotten this lecture. It shouldn't be amusing, but it is. All I could think is "no, really? Cause I was going to pick up another container of stock just for fun." While my last boss may have let me sass at him in our small department meetings, my current one might have fired me on the spot. Still, all day the camp song kept repeating in my head,
Fried ham, fried ham / cheese and bologna / and after the macaroni...


Cheryl said...

A little bit louder... a little bit worse.

Cay said...

we'll have onions, pickles and peppers and then we'll have some more fried ham...

Everybody now!