Monday, November 26, 2007

Sky high

First the bad news: According to the news today's high was 45 degrees, and tomorrow is not looking better.

Now the good news: This weekend was a completely different story.

It wasn't all that warm, but it was absolutely beautiful. Since the sun was out Saturday it made exploring much more fun this time around. We went to Golden Gardens Park which has a sandy beach, a boat marina, and gorgeous views. One of the best views we discovered while walking along one of the park paths. It was a tree that eats kites, kinda like the one in the Charlie Brown comic strips. I spotted one whole one, two tatters remains, and possibly a fourth.

Further on the path, where the park met the beach, we spotted two little boys with their dad trying to fly a kite. The dad would throw it up into the air, and one of the little boys would jerk the string back and forth. Sometimes it would hover, but mostly this would result in the kite making an arch and crashing into the ground. As much fun as they seemed to be having they didn't really stand a chance of getting the kite in the air. There was a slight breeze, but not enough to get it airborne. Still, I'm thinking I'm going to have to buy a kite soon.

Further on the path we spotted another kid. This one was completely bundled up. He had on a windbreaker with a hood, a pair of gloves, a scarf that wound around his face, and a beanie. The cutest part was that he kept turning around and telling his dad, "stay there, I'm okay." Then he would turn back around and keep walking. Every few steps his dad would move forward, and almost immediately the boy would turn back around to make sure he hadn't. It was like watching a little boy try and train his puppy.

Sunday was just as beautiful and I spent most of it wandering around downtown trying to get gift ideas. Eventually I decided I'd had enough of people and went to Ballard to bug my favorite tour guide. Once he completely woke up from his nap he decided to show me around the U district. Its the area in Seattle near the University of Washington, and is the stereotypical college district. As cute as it looks I want to go back and wander around some since we didn't get far this trip. My guide made the mistake of taking me to a large book store. The best part is that he was so entertained by my reaction he is actually planning on taking me to another one.

Yeah. I've got the best tour guide ever.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Simple pleasures

Last Saturday the sun decided to come out to play. At least it did around mid-morning. Unfortunately my hair needs a bit of encouragement to stay blond these days so I was stuck at the hair dresser. By the time I was done it was around two in the afternoon, but the sun was still out so I was happy. My tour guide was as happy as I was to see the sun, but had no idea where to go to enjoy it. We'd been to all the obvious places around the city and he wanted to take me somewhere new. After poking around the net he realized I hadn't been to Gas Works park yet so off we went.

Gasworks used to be a refinery plant and is now a great park. Its the kind of park that would make my nephew's head explode with the sheer number of things to climb. I wish I'd had a kite with me to fly out over the lake, and that the sun had stayed out. Sadly by the time we got to the park it had disappeared again leaving me with a very stubborn tour guide and a bright red nose. In spite of that I had fun. My favorite part was the giant sundial on top of the hill. You have to stand on today's date and by using the chart engraved next to it you can tell the time fairly accurately. Or you can when the sun is out and casting shadows.

After a full tour of the park we went to Chinook Beach Park. To my amusement the term "beach" is used very liberally here. Its is a cute park with hiking trials we chose not to explore (at least this time) and a rocky shore with a great view of the setting sun. We stayed there for a bit and I found out that even in the height of summer people catch hypothermia swimming there in less than an hour. So it looks like the only time I'll be wading in will be on a visit home.

After my tours we went to this great pizza place that does only more traditional Italian style pizza. Before our pizza showed up this guy that works for the restaurant came over to our table and did card tricks. Even though my sister used to do them all the time, and showed me how some are done, I'm still easily impressed by them.

For one of them he had us pick out a card and showed it to us, then had my tour guide sign the front of it. That card was shuffled back into the deck. Then he drew a stick figure which was supposed to be his assistant on the back of a random card. He told me to add to it so I drew hair that stuck straight up on top of his head, kinda like Bart Simpson. Through magic the assistant jumped from the back of one card to another until he stopped at the card my guide had signed. He then gave us the card and he wandered off to entertain someone else. I mistakenly thought the tricks were over when I put the card in my guide's shirt pocket, but somehow it managed to appear in my coat pocket when I got home later that night.
I must pause now to tell you about something that by simply existing makes the world a better place. It the Italian gelato that's served for dessert there. The chocolate gelato was absolutely incredible. It was served with a shot of espresso of impressive quality, even by Seattle standards. I very happily lingered over it, and I'm currently trying to figure how to get back there.

Other than that things have been quiet here. Its getting colder and I'm spending more time cuddled up indoors. Fireplaces seem to be as standard issue up here as air conditioners were in Sacramento, and I'm thoroughly enjoying this. Still, the sun is supposed to be out for most of the weekend and I'm looking forward to it. I'm told there's another great park I have to check out, even if it is almost winter.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Starting to feel pretty

All my life my dad has made funny faces, and its only natural that as I kid I would try to mimic him. He looks like Abe Lincoln normally, so when he wiggles his eyebrows or scrunches up his nose kids tend to laugh. I can't begin to count the times he's done things like that to the amusement of any child in close vicinity. Its part of what made him a fun dad when I was a kid, and what makes him a fun grandpa now.
Before I go on I have to point out that I don't particularly like my nose. It is too big and is often red as a result of the sun in the summer, and the cold in the winter. Drawing attention to it wouldn't seem logical, but I don't obsess over my nose so its not a big deal. I've learned to put make up on so that I can feel that I look better, and to go on with life. Scrunching my nose like a rabbit and all.
Now that I am an adult I have the habit of doing a "rabbit nose" in an attempt to amuse someone. Its not really something I think about. To me its just another facial expression. So imagine my surprise when my boyfriend noticed me doing this, and pointed out that he thought it was cute. Before I could react he quickly kissed the tip of my nose. It startled me so much that I laughed. My nose cute? Never thought I'd hear that one.
Well, this has become somewhat of a thing between us. If I happen to do the "rabbit nose" when he's close he'll kiss the tip of my nose. Sometimes he'll kiss my nose just to startle me. Its not a big thing, but I laugh every time.