Thursday, May 31, 2012

Class of 2012

A few years ago I decided that I was incredibly bored and my best friend pointed out that going to grad school would fix that. Talk about understatement.
Today I am happy to finally say that I am graduating with a Masters of Business Administration from Seattle University. Commencement is on June 10th and I can't wait. Today I picked up my cap, gown, and hood from school. I put them on as soon as I got home and my husband laughed at me. Neither of us has any idea how to put the hood on correctly. I'm going to have to find a video on YouTube.
I still have two finals I have to pass so I have to spend one last weekend studying. Fortunately the sun went back into hiding so it won't be too hard to stay inside. As happy as I am to be done I am very happy I chose to do this. I've learned a great deal and I've noticed lately the way I think is different. I've met some really interesting people and made some good friends over the last couple years. I even have a job that requires I use my expensive education.
Life is very, very good.