Sunday, July 26, 2009

Going to the Chapel...

My favorite tour guide and I went camping last weekend. His extended family has gone every year to the same site since he was little. His favorite spot is called Hidden Cove and can only be reached by boat. We went out there Friday night with a couple friends. The site is tucked away and is absolutely beautiful. By the time we set up camp it was well after dark so the four of us went out on the dock and gazed at the stars.
That night I didn't sleep well so when I woke up and finally saw that it was light out I got up. My tour guide heard me and encouraged me to get dressed for the day and join him on the dock. It was just after sunrise. After changing from sweats to a casual outfit I wandered down to the dock. He had laid out a blanket for us to sit on. We hung out there for a bit and he told me stories about why the spot meant so much to him.
After a while I got chilled so he suggested we get up and walk the short trial back to camp. I stood up first, and he "slipped" and ended up kneeling on one knee. I thought he was just horsing around. I was completely stunned when he brought out a ring box and asked me to marry him. I said yes of course.
After that we walked back to camp and I discovered our friends had brought a bottle of sparkling wine. They had chilled it by leaving it on the shore of the lake where the glacier water could keep it cold. So we drank wine out of camp mugs and celebrated before heading back to share the news with his family.
Later that day we drove down the mountain far enough for me to get a signal and call my family. Turns out my fiance had called my dad on Thursday to ask for his blessing. Not only that, but he was so excited about this weekend he told absolutely everyone his plans. I was the only person surprised.
I am incredibly happy. We are getting married in the spring and my fiance is already trying to talk me into having an R2-D2 cake that rolls around. I just keep laughing when he bring it up. This is more joy than I have ever known, and I'm excited that I get to marry someone that keeps me laughing at life.

The best is yet to come
Come the day you're mine
Come the day you're mine
I'm gonna teach you to fly
We've only tasted the wine
We're gonna drain that cup dry